WWWhatsup New Order Pins

Around 82 I got very close to new Order. Barney once drove me from London to Manchester in his Merc. At high speed - I was scared stiff the whole way. I gave the band their first London show in the 'Dub Club' held at Ladbroke Grove's Talbot Tabernacle. Also arranged for them to play Glastonbury that year where they nonplussed the farmer by declaring full-bodied support for the nuclear deterrent.. Good to see them back on their game in '05
1847 new order # 3
11/9/98 - rather scrappy - this was a b/w for the Limelight goth crew around 89

1016 new order #2
10/25/98 - better badges from design supplied by band around 82

0872 new order
11/24/97 - better badges from design supplied by band around 83

2552 new order - siren's
3/10/05 - just say new order

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