WWWhatsup Damned Pins

Better Badges first made Damned pins in July 76 (a grotesque logo 2.125") to sell at the Roundhouse, this was followed by 'new rose' and, in 1977 a series featuring the members of the band. Unfortunately I do not retain copies/masters of any of them. Ray was a frequent visitor at BB, and we comforted him in hard times, for example Bolan dieing just after inviting them on his tv show, Jake dumping them to manage Elvis.
Their early shows including the famous "Damned Dictators Dead Boys' Roundhouse were some of the greatest punk ever.
1531 damned - smash it up

0973 damned

0085 damned b/w
8/9/96 - made to sell at the old Ritz around 1986

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