WWWhatsup Crass Pins

*Dec 2000* Dial House, the home to Crass, is under threat from developers, they
need £150,000 to buy the house. Donations urgently needed, should the
bid for the house fail all money will be returned. Dial House, Onger
Park Hall, North Weald, Epping Essex DM 16 6AE Tel /Fax 0199 252 3845
1205 crass -nagasaki nightmare
8/8/96 - as made by Better Badges for the band 1981 - then and now a technology-stretchingly awkward half-tone

1147 crass anti-war

1146 crass fight war not wars

0076 crass symbol
8/8/96 - as made by Better Badges for the band 1980

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