WWWhatsup Adam and the Ants Pins

"We could make these pins for ever."
5/95 - These next 8 pins are 1" remakes of original Better Badges designs that Adam supplied from '77 - '80. Originally made as 1.25", and then 1" added in '79. In early '80, while Adam's career was in the apparent doldrums - no record deal and McLaren ripping off his band to be Bow Wow Wow - these were by far the most popular pins going with the UK punks. His rise to fame with Dog Eat Dog effectively killed sales overnight, and we were amused to receive threatening legal letters from the Merchandising Corp of America who werepushing the cutesy tribal ant cartoon logo.
Adam has now probably re-achieved sufficient cult status to render them cool once more.
0720 ants invasion 80
4/22/97 - special thanks to Antun from Zagreb for a copy of the BB original

0009 ants 1 skirt
5/95 - Only the second 1.25" pin ever made by BetterBadges (Clash Police was first)

0010 ants 2 what
5/95 - "What Do You Mean? - You Don't Like Adam and the Ants!"

0011 ants 3 with love
5/95 - "With Love From Adam and the Ants"

0012 ants physical
5/95 - "You're So Phy-si-cal"

0013 ants valise
5/95 - "whip in my valise (oh)"

0014 ants dirk (down)
5/95 - Dirk Wears White Sox - looking down

0015 ants dirk (up)
5/95 - Dirk Wears White Sox - looking up

0016 antmusic
5/95 - for Antpeople

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